Saturday, August 31, 2019

Negotiation and Leadership Essay

The negotiation is a process where two parts make a deal to satisfy the interests or needs of each other. We are going to analyze how and when to negotiate. To guide ourselves with this topic, we are going to use the method of Harvard that consists in seven steps. Harvard method: 1) Interests 2) Alternatives 3) Options 4) Legitimacy 5) Communication 6) Relationship 7) Compromise We are going to analyze the seven steps and also we are going to show the importance of generating confidence space with the locator, understand other points of view, look for points in common and why the negotiation benefits both sides, we are also going to see examples of the characteristics of the personality of the negotiator. After we evaluate all this, we are going to see the importance of a leader to be able to negotiate. Development: We human beings unconsciously and consciously negotiate every day, an example of unconsciously if you are walking to a building and someone else is walking next to you, we unconsciously react depending on the situation to make the decision of who walks in first. As mentioned before the negotiation is to make a deal between each other to satisfy our interests, that’s why we can say that the negotiation rises when we or other want to satisfy needs. The method of Harvard consists in seven basic steps that leads you to affront situations during a negotiation with the objective of reaching a win win situation, we can say that this is the best style of negotiation because both parts are happy and if the compromises are completed, the relationship between each other is very good and this helps you to increase your image. The seven Harvard steps 1) Interests: this step means that you must know your needs and how to satisfy them, in a negotiation it is very important to know or find out the interests of the other part, this can be done by having an effective communication (open questions). In the Harvard method, they use the Maslow Theory about need, that consists in five steps of necessities; the first step is Physiologic, the second its Security, the third its Social, the fourth is Esteem, and the last Self Actualization. 2) Alternatives: This is very important because when you identify your needs to satisfy the first thing you have to do is to consider all the different options that you have to satisfy them. Example: if your need is to find shoes to walk comfortably, your alternative would be to go to a lot of shoe shops to decide which one is better. The meaning of this step in the negotiation is the opportunity costs that are the things you leave behind to do your negotiation. Here also we have the M.A.A.N: (Mejor Alternativa a un Acuerdo Negociado) (The Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) When a negotiator has worked on his alternatives and those of his counterpart, he has identified the M.A.A.N of both and has done that his better alternative will be possible, that will be the moment that it will be in better conditions to negotiate. This is because it will have the Intention very clear in the negotiation, but in addition, because it will know really what to do if it does not reach an agreement. The level of the best of our alternatives satisfies our interests, will help us to determine when an agreement can or not be accepted. Definitively, the MAAN will be an effective guide to know if it convenes for us or not. On the contrary, if it was a question our MAAN as a poor option with relation, it doesn’t have sense accept it. Is there all the power of the negotiation. 3) Options: when you realize which was the shoe shop that satisfy your needs, this shoe shop will be your option, when you realize this you must go and establish a conversation, the idea of this is to generate better options to negotiate. You can also add to your option ideas of other alternatives that you have seen and you realize that can make your objectives better. Example: in one shoe shop they give you a pair of socks but I didn’t like the shoes, I went to a different shop and I liked the shoes so I asked the men if he could give me a pair of socks for free, this example is about generating more options inside your best Alternative (your option) The number of alternatives and options don’t create by themselves, it is very important to say that this are generated by your motivation and actions, if you don’t have a good motivation your number of alternatives and options will be very low, with this conformism you don’t maximize the possibilities of increasing your goals. After we talk about these steps, it is important to mention that by using them we are going to increase the benefits of the negotiation. 4) Legitimacy: The importance of this point is to accept or recognize the value of the issue at hand. The way of doing this is through the Judgment: the judgment consists on a feeling of being treated fairly in a negotiation. Often an interest in legitimacy and feeling fairly treated is the main driver in a dispute. However, parties with differing views on what is fair may fail to realize that beneath their conflicting positions is the same underlying interest. A few judgments that you can make at the time you buy a car are: -Price in the market – Review the car with a mechanic – Review a forum. 5) Communication: The form that is in use for reporting has a critical impact in the result of the negotiation, specially when both parts are not known † the benefit can be very much major for both when it is negotiated face to face because only of this form it is possible to share vital information. If the volume of the transactions to realizing is important, it is worth a sorrow being going to know personally the person with whom then we will have to negotiate for telephone or e-mail. We have verified that if both parts have jointly a personal positive, at the time knowledge the method of communication (telephone, e-mail, etc.) it must have importance for the good result. If the negotiators, on the contrary do not know them selves or are strange the way turns into critic and marks the difference. The confidence and the contribution establish much easier when the parts are known, which would be impossible to do for telephone or e-mail between strangers. If the contrapart don’t want to tell you what are their interest, a good way to discovered is Open Questions, the main idea of the open questions is to get information, this are not yes or no answers, the purpose of this is get the most information you can have. 6) Relationship: The most important negotiations are done by the persons or institutions with which we have negotiated before and we will negotiate again. For a good relation you must not mix problems of personal relation with essential problems of the negotiation. With a good communication, and confidence, the relationship will stay in time; and also will be able to do more negotiation in the future. 7) Commitments: The commitments are verbal or written expositions that specify what a part will do or do. We might be calling them the † draft of the contract â€Å". They can be done in the course of a negotiation. In general, an agreement will be better in the measure in which the promises have had: exposition, structure and they have been designed in order that they turn into lasting agreements, of easy comprehension and verifiable. The idea of the commitments is also being clear whit problems that could happens in future, for example if I made a deal with a japanes, in which I export Fruit to Japan; we must be clear in situations like bad time that could close the marine, so the fruits will no be able to get out of Chile, the idea of this when me made de commitments we must be clear who is going to be responsible for this, who is going to pay that fruit, or pay to get freezer to main the fruit. Negotiate by position, is not good, because the men in position don’t want to give up their expectative. Two examples of Negotiate by position are: – Hard Ones: they a are rude, strict, they don’t have good communication, don’t respect the other, he is only interested on complete their goal, he will never change her price; so we can said; he don’t care having a good negotiation. – Soft Ones: They don’t respect they self’s, they usually change the price to continues in the negotiation, the problem in this position is that the men in this position and de other part in the negotiation, don’t respect de soft man. The importance of negotiation in leadership First of all we agree with this statement and believe that only a very authoritarian leadership works without negotiation. To explain this very important issue we are going to compare two fundamental definitions, in this case â€Å"negotiation† and â€Å"leadership†. â€Å"Negotiation is a dialogue between two or more people or parties, intended to reach an understanding, etc.† Wikipedia â€Å"Leadership is organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal.† Wikipedia As you can notice both of the definitions have the same aim, which is to reach an agreement between people. This leaves clear that negotiation is essential for a good leadership. You can not be a leader without being a negotiator. As we learned in class, there are three different types of leaders (authoritharian, democratic and liberal). The last two are considered to be the best because they leave place to work on your own and most importantly to discuss. And that offers a place of confidence between the leader and the followers. That confidence is generated by the negotiations that take place and make both parties reach their common interests. Our second and fundamental hypothesis, besides the definitions, is that leadership and negotiation take place everywhere and at any time in our lives. For example there are different types of temperaments in our society, sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic. In a job selection it is not possible to hire a perfect combination of these temperaments, so you have to negotiate your flaws and pros so both of you can reach the common goal. Another example is a situation in a team-work session, where we know that everyone is supposed to help to reach an objective. If the leader is not able to handle the different types of personalities the project is most likely to fail. And in this process he has to negotiate several terms with the different parts of the team. As you can see none of the two areas are more important than the other, they are intertwined. It is necessary to have negotiation skills as a leader, because without them you cannot lead properly. Both of them have the exact same objective, which is to reach a common goal. And negotiation as leadership take place in our daily live just we don’t often notice it. Conclusion: The negotiation is a very important aspect in ours lives, knowing the best way to do it is a great opportunity to increase our leader and personals abilities. In the future this will us to increase our utilities in a negotiation, in ours job, live, and others. Being a responsible man the opportunities of have more successful negotiations. In this work demonstrate the importance of negotiation in a leader.

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Lost Tribes of Israel Claims by Herbert Armstrong

The Lost Tribes of Israel Catholic. com Around 926 b. c. , the kingdom of Israel split in two. Up to that point, all twelve tribes of Israel (plus the priestly tribe of Levi) had been united under the monarchies of Saul, David, and Solomon. But when Solomon’s son Rehoboam ascended to the throne, the ten Northern tribes rebelled and seceded from the union. This left only two tribes—Judah and Benjamin (plus much of Levi)—under the control of the king in Jerusalem. From that time on, the tribes were divided into two nations, which came to be called the House of Israel (the Northern ten tribes) and the House of Judah (the Southern two tribes).This situation continued until around 723 B. C. , when the Assyrians conquered the Northern kingdom. To keep conquered nations in subjection, it was Assyrian policy to break them up by deporting their native populations to other areas and resettling the land with newcomers. When the House of Israel was conquered, most people bel onging to the ten Northern tribes were deported and settled elsewhere in the Assyrian kingdom, including places near Nineveh, Haran, and on what is now the Iran-Iraq border.They were replaced by settlers from locations in or near Babylon and Syria. These settlers intermarried, together with the remaining Israelites, and became the Samaritans mentioned in the New Testament (a few hundred of whom still survive today). The Israelites who had been deported also intermarried with the peoples of the places where they had been resettled. They eventually lost their distinct identity, disappeared, and their culture was lost to history. Some refer to them as â€Å"the lost tribes of Israel. â€Å"A movement called â€Å"British Israelism† claims to have found the ten â€Å"lost tribes,† however, and in some very unlikely places. For many years, one of the leaders in the British Israelism movement was Herbert W. Armstrong, founder of the self-proclaimed â€Å"Worldwide Church of God. † Especially for Americans, Armstrong was just about the only person they ever heard advocating British Israelism. With his own paid television program, Armstrong regularly advertised his book The United States and Britain in Prophecy, which advocated the view. British Israelism was not Armstrong’s only eccentric view.Among other things, he believed in Saturday rather than Sunday worship and, most seriously, he rejected the doctrine of the Trinity and claimed that individual humans could be added to the Godhead. After Armstrong’s death, the Worldwide Church of God did a serious review of the doctrines it had taught up to that point and moved to a more biblically and theologically orthodox position. Today, the organization is basically another Evangelical Protestant church (they have even been admitted to the National Association of Evangelicals), though with a few distinctive practices.Many of their congregations still worship on Saturdays, for example, b ut they no longer regard keeping the Jewish Sabbath and feasts as points of doctrine. They have embraced the doctrine of the Trinity, denied that created beings can become part of the Godhead, and acknowledged that other churches contain true Christians. They have also rejected the distinctive idea behind British Israelism—the claim that the lost tribes of Israel are to be specially identified with the Anglo-Saxons.Unfortunately, there are still advocates of British Israelism out there (including some groups that split off from the Worldwide Church of God when it underwent its doctrinal renewal), and, though the book is out of print, Herbert W. Armstrong’s The United States and Britain in Prophecy continues to circulate. The United States and Britain in Prophecy teaches the notion that the Lost Tribes of Israel are really the descendants of Anglo-Saxons, which is to say the British and Americans of British extraction. This exotic doctrine had been around for decades be fore Herbert W.Armstrong founded his church in 1933, and it appeals, naturally enough, to those of British heritage. After all, who wouldn’t want to be a member of the â€Å"chosen race† (assuming there is one)? And according to Armstrong, that’s precisely what the Anglo-Saxons are—God’s chosen race, where can be found the direct descendants of King David and, even today, the true â€Å"heirs† to King David’s throne. The United States and Britain in Prophecy opens with this epigraph: â€Å"The prophecies of the Bible have been grievously misunderstood. And no wonder!For the vital key, needed to unlock prophetic doors to understanding, had become lost. That key is a definite knowledge of the true identity of the American and British peoples in biblical prophecy. † Only the first sentence of this epigraph is strictly correct, and a good share of the â€Å"grievous misunderstanding† is by people who put faith in the writing s of Herbert W. Armstrong. The Argument Begins â€Å"We know Bible prophecies definitely refer to Russia, Italy, Ethiopia, Libya, and Egypt of today. Could they then ignore modern nations like Britain and America?Is it reasonable? † This is how the argument begins, and notice what kind of argument it is. If these â€Å"lesser† countries are mentioned in Scripture, would it be fair for God to ignore us, important as we are? (We won’t examine here the highly dubious premise that Russia is mentioned in Scripture. ) You might call this an â€Å"appeal to pride. † Never fear, says Armstrong. â€Å"The fact is, [the British and Americans] are mentioned more often than any other race [sic]. Yet their prophetic identity has remained hidden to the many. Why is that? you ask. Because the Bible doesn’t refer to them by their modern names, but by an ancient name. And what is that name? None other than Israel. â€Å"Hold it! † you say. The people who ca me from Israel are Jews. Britons and Americans, for the most part, aren’t Jewish. How can one claim otherwise? Easily. Armstrong assures us that, â€Å"The house of Israel is not Jewish! Those who constitute it are not Jews, and never were! That fact we shall now see conclusively, beyond refute. † Actually, there is something of a point here.The term â€Å"Jew† originated as a way of referring to the people of the southern kingdom of Judah, whether their own tribe was Judah, Benjamin, or Levi. The term appears late in Israel’s history—after the division into northern and southern kingdoms—and it can be fairly claimed that the term does not apply to the members of the ten northern tribes, who are properly known as â€Å"Israelites† since they belonged to the House of Israel rather than the House of Judah. Armstrong asserted: â€Å"Certainly this proves that the Jews are a different nation altogether from the House of Israel,† cl aims Armstrong. The Jews of today are Judah! They call their nation ‘Israel’ today because they, too, descend from the patriarch Israel or Jacob. But remember that the ‘House of Israel’—the ten tribes that separated from Judah—does not mean Jew! Whoever the lost ten tribes of Israel are today, they are not Jews! † â€Å"By the year 721 B. C. , the House of Israel was conquered and its people were soon driven out of their own land—out of their homes and cities—and carried captives to Assyria, near the southern shores of the Caspian Sea! † So it was in 721 B.C. that the Lost Tribes got â€Å"lost. † The Year Nothing Happened Had the tribes remained faithful to God, all would have been well, Armstrong explains. â€Å"But, if they refused and rebelled, they were to be punished seven times—a duration of 2,520 years—in slavery, servitude, and want. † They did rebel, and Armstrong theorizes that their punishment extended from 721 B. C. to A. D. 1800. And what remarkable thing happened in 1800? Well, if we don’t count the election of Thomas Jefferson to the presidency of the United States, not a whole lot.In fact, 1800 was a pretty dull year for history. But Armstrong disagrees, saying that from that date, Britain and America became world powers; the former (at that time) politically, and the latter economically (and later, also politically). According to Armstrong’s scheme, the figure of â€Å"2,520 years of punishment† is arrived at by multiplying the â€Å"seven years of punishment† by 360—the number of days in the year as it was reckoned by the ancients—on the principle that each â€Å"day† of punishment really stood for a whole year of punishment.If you think this is convoluted reasoning, just wait until you read the remainder of the argument in The United States and Britain in Prophecy. It’s enough to note here th at Armstrong determines from Scripture that the Lost Tribes ended up on islands in the sea, and these islands are northwest of Palestine. We’re told, for example, that the forty-ninth chapter of Isaiah begins with, â€Å"Listen, O isles, unto me. † Do you see how this suggests the British Isles? Armstrong says, â€Å"Take a map of Europe.Lay a line due northwest of Jerusalem across the continent of Europe, until you come to the sea, and then to the islands in the sea! This line takes you direct to the British Isles! † The skeptic might note that the line first comes to the Aegean islands, which are also in the sea—the Mediterranean Sea—but this would mean the Greeks are the Lost Tribes, therefore, the theory would not play into the desires of some British or Americans to identify themselves with the lost tribes. Linguistic Legerdemain You want more proof? Armstrong has it. The House of Israel,† he explains, â€Å"is the ‘covenant peopl e. ’ The Hebrew word for ‘covenant’ is brit [b’rith]. And the word for ‘covenant man,’ or ‘covenant people,’ would therefore sound, in English word order, Brit-ish (the word ish means ‘man’ in Hebrew, and it is also an English suffix on nouns and adjectives). And so, is it mere coincidence that the true covenant people today are called the ‘British’? And they reside in the ‘British Isles’! † This reasoning may impress some, but no linguist would take this seriously.The word â€Å"British† is not derived from Hebrew but from the Celtic word Brettas. It’s significant that the Celtic Brettas referred to the Britons, who were inhabitants of England before the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons that Armstrong claims were Israelites. One possible reason for Armstrong’s linguistic confusions may be that in Webster’s Diction-ary (for example, in the 3,200-page unabridged ed ition published in 1932—an edition Armstrong may have had access to) the entry for b’rith (Hebrew: covenant) appears sandwiched between the entries for â€Å"Britannic† and â€Å"Briticism. Perhaps he simply didn’t read carefully enough and assumed, wrongly, that b’rith must somehow be etymologically connected with the other the words before and after pertaining to things British. Neither does the common English suffix -ish derive from the Hebrew word for man. Instead, it derives from the Greek diminutive suffix -iskos It was bad enough to suggest that the word â€Å"British† is Hebrew, but he also made another claim: If you take the name â€Å"Isaac,† you see it’s easy for someone to drop the â€Å"I† when speaking quickly and to end up with â€Å"Saac† as the name of the patriarch.He had descendants, of course, and these may be called â€Å"Saac’s sons,† from which we get the word â€Å"Saxons. à ¢â‚¬  â€Å"Is it only coincidence,† asks Armstrong, â€Å"that ‘Saxons’ sounds the same as ‘Saac’s sons’—sons of Isaac? † This doesn’t even qualify as a coincidence, since Armstrong had to make up the nickname of â€Å"Saac† in order for the â€Å"coincidence† to exist. In reality, the term â€Å"Saxon† is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word â€Å"seax,† which means knife or dagger, not the Hebrew word â€Å"Isaac† (Yitskhaq), which means â€Å"laughter† (cf.Gen. 17:15–19, 18:9–15). Another Remarkable Coincidence? Armstrong found other coincidences. When the Lost Tribes were scattered, he says, they â€Å"brought with them certain remarkable things, including a harp and a wonderful stone called lia-fail, or stone of destiny. A peculiar coincidence is that Hebrew reads from right to left, while English reads from left to right. Read this name either way—and it still is lia-fail. Another strange coincidence—or is it just coincidence? is that many kings in the history of Ireland, Scotland, and England have been coronated sitting over a remarkable stone—including the present queen [sic]. The stone rests today in Westminster Abbey in London, and the coronation chair is built over and around it. A sign once beside it labeled it ‘Jacob’s pillar-stone. ’† Here Armstrong’s argument becomes even weaker. After all, one could note that Hebrew and English are not the only languages which, when contrasted, are read in different directions. For example, Arabic is read right to left, while Gaelic is read left to right.What does that prove? Nothing! Just as Armstrong’s muddled reasoning proves nothing at all about a connection between Hebrew and English. If it did, one could just as easily â€Å"prove† that the Lost Tribes were also responsible for bringing the Blarney Stone with them. And that ’s just plain blarney. Armstrongism’s Appeal What makes Armstrong’s notion so attractive to some folks? First, it appeals to their nationalistic vanity: â€Å"I’m of English descent, and now I see that I’m right in the thick of things, biblically speaking.Having English blood in my veins makes me special. It puts me above the rest of the crowd. † It also perpetuates ethnic prejudice: â€Å"Thank God I’m not Italian! I never liked Italians anyway, and now I see they aren’t descended from the Lost Tribes and so are only secondary players in the divine drama—something I always suspected. † At first glance, Armstrong’s argument seems to be based on a sophisticated understanding of Scripture: â€Å"Armstrong provides lots of citations, and I can’t find fault with his argument. It’s so convoluted and technical it

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Comparing The Bible & Milton's Paradise Lost Essay

Comparing The Bible & Milton's Paradise Lost - Essay Example This inclination to religious themes was manifested in his works prior to Paradise Lost. Some of these works are On the Morning of Christs Nativity, The Passion, and Upon the Circumcision (Luxon). This religious disposition displayed in his works continued after Paradise Lost was published; two examples of his works are Paradise Regained, and Samson Agonistes (Luxon). But among his literary works with religious themes, the best one would be his epic masterpiece, Paradise Lost. However, it would be objectionable to call Milton’s Paradise Lost to be the greatest literary work or the greatest epic of all time. For one, Paradise Lost may be in some way, a copy of the accounts of Moses about man’s first offense against God. The plot from the Bible was adapted in poetry form but Milton intricately laced the story with descriptive details that even include dialogues between Satan and the other rebel angels; narrations about the origin of the world by an angel named Raphael; and conversations between Adam and Eve. Another reason would be its similarities with the early epics Aeneid by Virgil and Iliad by Homer. Paradise Lost is analogous to Virgil’s Aeneid and Homer’s Iliad mainly because of their similarities in their source of inspiration. Other noticeable similarities would be on the plot, the characters involved and the relationships of the characters to each other in the three epics. Before giving further details about Paradise Lost’s similarities with the other two epics, it would be best to know beforehand Milton’s literary basis in writing Paradise Lost and that would be the Bible. The fall of man as accounted in Paradise Lost has some similarities and differences from the Biblical account of the entry of sin in earth. Being based on the Bible, the similarities are very obvious, but the differences require to be discussed. In the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Health Institution Comparison Tool Research Paper

Health Institution Comparison Tool - Research Paper Example n, this writer uses the care comparison tool as the primary indicator of service quality as a final deliverable ( particular comparison tool is being sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Mexico. As for the quality indicators this writer has chosen the following broad factors. George Town University Hospital which is a teaching hospital specializes in diseases like Cardiologic disorders, Endocrinology related ailments, Geriatrics, Gynecology, Renal Diseases, Orthopedics, Otolaryngology, Pulmonology, Urology, Cancer, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Neurosurgery and Rheumatology ( Washington Hospital Centre is a nonprofit health Institution whose profits are being used to serve the community. They are specialized in the medical services for Cancer, Cardiac diseases, diabetes, mental health, Orthopedics and clinical trial and research ( The above data for brain cancer related care comparison shows that Washington Hospital Centre has been faring well in qualitative and quantitative criteria. For instance Anderson refers to care related factors of quality and quantity as the raison d’Ã ªtre behind the comparative success of any health care institution. Washington hospital centre has had 30 patients affected by brain cancer while GTUH had only 22 patients. According to Anderson disparities between number of patients admitted per disease cold show that higher numbers serve as positive indicators of measurable service quality (Andersen, R. M., Rice, T.H. & Kominiski, G. F., (2007). In other words Anderson particularly identifies care related criteria of admission rates based on associated treatment specialization and availability of facilities. Further, qualitative data provided by the WHC serves as an indicator of success based on its non profit care provision. On the other hand GTUH is a for profit organizatio n that provides qualitative care under

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Public Key Infrastructure Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Public Key Infrastructure - Research Paper Example PKI is set of complex set of application that supports other application system and components that will assist in building a network security. Implementation of PKI is anticipated to serve as an essential component of an overall security system within the organization (Zao, 2012; Hanka et al., 2011). PKI is highly scalable and helps the in maintaining certificates with their unique identity. A feature of PKI such as scalability further creates no requirement of third party authentication. Through the feature of the delegation of trust the software enhances the authentication of the software within the end users. To enhance the security system within an organization the PKI provides unique codes and ensures that only legitimate users are able to access to the system resources. These features of PKI along with identity based self-certified keys are anticipated to ensure better security system controlled within the organization (The Saylor Foundation, 2012). PKI system allows the use of mathematically related key pairs, to be used for public and private level. The private key is used to safeguard the requirement of the privacy at the organizational level. Correspondingly, the public keys provide a unique identification to the users of the software. This method of encryption and decryption is further observed to help the organization to authenticate the software and enhances the credibility to the customers (United States Department of Agriculture, n.d.). The certificate authority helps in creating and binding the public encryption keys. The in-house certification authority enhances the maximum level of control over the different software being used within an organization. The process employs a digital sign which enhances the financial soundness, liability protection as well as enhances the corroboration of transaction. The document that is signed by a trusted b y a third party organization is referred to as a

Monday, August 26, 2019

Home Land Security Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Home Land Security - Research Paper Example In terms of the security issues at port, the maritime transport act was introduced to provide more security in the ports and to decrease the case of smuggling and entry of terrorist. In road transport, the overall surveillance of the transport system increased considerably with implementation of technology to improve the security system. The transportation Security in USA has become matter of prime concern since the September, 11 attacks in the country. The US government dedicated their best efforts in increasing the security system of the country in every mode of transportation. As an initiative to make the transport system more secure, the Transportation Security Administration started operating under the US Department of Homeland Security. The primary objective of the agency was to provide safety and security to the traveling public based in the country so that any an incident like 9/11 does not occur again. Special task was assigned to develop policies to protect the overall transportation system in the country with a special focus on airport security and in the prevention of hijacking of aircrafts. The federal government also adopted special policies to look after the security issues in highways, roads, railways and in ports. Over the years the security in the transportation system have modified in a large exte nt to protect the common public. In the process of securing the transportation system the US government faced massive challenge in as providing security to hundreds of airports along with the sea ports and transit service proved to a daunting task. Much of the responsibility for strengthening the aviation system was assigned to the TSA which came into existence just after the massive attack on world trade center. TSA was engaged with the screening process of the passengers and the property. In the newly reformed security system in aviation, explosive

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Influence of Globalization on Organizational Network Structures Essay

Influence of Globalization on Organizational Network Structures - Essay Example Globalization can be identified as the increased â€Å"mobility of goods, sources of labor, technology and capital† on a worldwide prospect. Considering the impact of globalization on the organizational factors, it can be studied that several new possibilities and opportunities are opening as a result of globalization. Newer ways are cropping up with respect to delivery of different functions. There is an increase in the number of options available to a company and hence greater number of decisions to be taken. Moreover such decisions have to be communicated to all divisions and all levels within an organization. This undoubtedly increases the complexity of an organizational network structure as well. However corporate globalization increases the number of opportunities for an organization; but at the same time it sets up more numbers of interdependencies between a variety of organizations. Learning from a World Class Company: IBM (International Business Machines Corporation): The IBM is â€Å"one of the largest providers of information technology and services†. The primary missions of the company include becoming the leader in creating, developing, and manufacturing superior information technologies and transforming those skills and expertise into â€Å"value† for its customers. Computer systems that include â€Å"software, networking systems, storage devices and microelectronics† are designed, developed and manufactured by IBM. The operations of the company are spread across the world providing work opportunities for more than 200,000 people. The headquarters of the company is in Armonk, New York (Tung, 2001, p.40). A brief history of the company: IBM was first initiated in New York in the year 1911. However the company’s history dated back to 1890s when mass immigrants were entering the United States and an efficient system was required to measure the level of population. Initially although the company had been operating only in New York, but within a short duration of time, its operations expanded worldwide. Under the management of Thomas J. Watson the company’s products and services were even more expanded. â€Å"IBM refers to the decades between 1939 and 1963 as the ‘Era of Innovation’†. The product line of the company appreciably enhanced during this period of time. The company moved towards the advancement of computers during the period of the Second World War (Tung, 2001, pp.40-41). Gradually over the years, the company developed several new products that included â€Å"automatic-sequence-controlled calculator†, â€Å"IBM 701† which was the first large computer manufactured with vacuum tube, â€Å"system/360 computer†, and so on. In the year 1969, the company brought in modifications in its product selling and started selling individual components instead of hardware or software devices. IBM had also introduced â€Å"personal computers for small bus inesses, schools and homes†. The company initiated an establishment for network computing and several facilities of such computers. In the year 1993, Louis V. Gerstner joined the company as the CEO and he highlighted the necessity to

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Project planning and control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Project planning and control - Essay Example It is a very key part in stakeholder management. Its goal is to develop cooperation between the stakeholders and the project team. It is needed to clarify the consequences of expected change or to start anew project by the organization (Mitchell, Agle & Wood 2008). In this case of changing room project the stakeholders are: the members of the group, software developers, suppliers, customers and the government. The software that is developed will provide a platform for the supplier to know the exact measurement of the client without returning the clothes that have been ordered. The entrepreneurs who form the group will be able to receive the image from all side and the exact measurement taken. The software will promote the good relation between the firm and the client and the supplier of the clothing. The online marketing done through the application also give the government the opportunity to get revenue and regulate the number of businesses carried out within a specific location within a particular time (Fletcher et al. 2003). In addition, the software developers will also find the readily available market for their product in the market. On the technological advancement, it will add an input in the use of current technology in sales and mark eting. The product quality and the volume of sales to the business will increase greatly. While the positive effects are felt among the stakeholders, it is also associated the negative effects among the stakeholders. The project is very expensive because it requires additional capital to consult and contract the software companies. It requires regular maintenance and qualified and trained personnel which the company might lack in the long run. It might also take too long to be implemented. To the clients it will take them too long to change with the new system. Change is difficult to adopt some client would

Diplomatic history of the us since 1914 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Diplomatic history of the us since 1914 - Essay Example Many ammunition manufacturing corporations sprung up in the United States to meet this demand. The only way such a large industrial base could survive is by creating more demands for ammunition, combat vehicles, etc. The military industry in America is so big that they can sway and influence the decisions taken in the executive branch of government. In effect, since the conclusion of the Second World War, the United States had seen a virtual â€Å"war economy†. Such an economic system can only thrive in an atmosphere of international tension and hostility, which is a bad result for humanity at large. Eisenhower was a shrewd statesman and an admirable leader (in the capacities of a General and a President). He understood this nexus between the weapons manufacturers and its employers in the American military. Eisenhower understood the vicious nature of this symbiotic relationship between a government agency and a commercial enterprise and warned his citizens to be wary of its consequences. In other words, he cautioned his fellow countrymen to mobilize themselves in curbing this negative development in post war America. Looking back at the recent history of American military intervention across the globe, one cannot stop wondering if those were the manifestations of Eisenhower’s nightmares. Furthermore, the general d issent and disapproval that the United States attracts in the third world countries is another indication of the military-industrial complex’s existence. What’s ironic about this message from Eisenhower is the fact that he himself was part and parcel of this military-industrial nexus. During the early months of 1962, hordes of demonstrators took to the streets in protest against the social and economic policies of the Guatemalan government headed by General Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes. The protesters were also disappointed with the level of corruption and election malpractices under the leadership of General Fuentes.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Mao zedong's legacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Mao zedong's legacy - Essay Example Some of the negative roles played by Mao Zedong include the launching of the cultural revolution where millions of people were forcefully made to do manual labor, which in return resulted to execution of tens of thousands Culture Revolution2. To date, people all over the world still visit Tiananmen Square, the burial place of Mao Zedong in order to pay homage to one person that even in his death still revere him. The essay will relay information about Mao Zedong and the reason why decades after his death, his name is still as powerful as ever. Mao Zedong, commonly known as Chairman Mao, was one of the most influential thinkers ever to rule China. Chairman Mao is known for his contribution in a number of factors especially in the republic of china. Apart from being the founder of People’s Republic of China (PRC), Mao is also the man behind numerous developments and achievements in China such improving China’s economy from agrarian to industrial level3. In China, Mao helped improve the level of education and it is through him that the republic of China is known to produce some of the most brilliant brains in the world. Apart from improving china’s education standard, Chairman Mao oversaw gender equality in China by ensuring that Chinese women had equal opportunities in any field such as education, employment and politics4. It was also during Mao Zedong’s reign that china experienced one of the highest population growth from 550 to 900 million. Although Mao Zedong’s good reputation is recognized all over the world, Mao’s legacy is also despised by a many people. This is because of the role he played during the Cultural Revolution that lasted for 10 years resulting to massive loss of lives. One of the reasons behind Mao’s initiation of the revolution program was in a move to eliminate counter-revolutionary in china, a process that took ten years5. The revolution resulted to massive destruction

Thursday, August 22, 2019

History of Circle Essay Example for Free

History of Circle Essay The word circle derives from the Greek, kirkos a circle, from the base ker- which means to turn or bend. The origins of the words circus and circuit are closely related. The circle has been known since before the beginning of recorded history. Natural circles would have been observed, such as the Moon, Sun, and a short plant stalk blowing in the wind on sand, which forms a circle shape in the sand. The circle is the basis for the wheel, which, with related inventions such as gears, makes much of modern civilization possible. In mathematics, the study of the circle has helped inspire the development of geometry, astronomy, and calculus. Early science, particularly geometry and astrology and astronomy, was connected to the divine for most medieval scholars, and many believed that there was something intrinsically divine or perfect that could be found in circles. The compass in this 13th century manuscript is a symbol of Gods act ofCreation. Notice also the circular shape of the halo| Circles on an old astronomy drawing| Some highlights in the history of the circle are: * 1700 BC – The Rhind papyrus gives a method to find the area of a circular field. The result corresponds to 256/81 (3.16049) as an approximate value of π. * 300 BC – Book 3 of Euclids Elements deals with the properties of circles. * In Platos Seventh Letter there is a detailed definition and explanation of the circle. Plato explains the perfect circle, and how it is different from any drawing, words, definition or explanation. * 1880 – Lindemann proves that π is transcendental, effectively settling the millennia-old problem of squaring the circle.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Philosophy of Nursing: Reflection

Philosophy of Nursing: Reflection A philosophy is a statement of belief about something. Humans, their health, and the environment in which they live and function are phenomena of particular interest to nursing. Learning to reflect critically on ones practice requires considerable effort. It is also essential to being an excellent practitioner. Being able to think about and to explain your beliefs about the basic concepts of your practice provides the framework for your practice. Do remember that what you write today is not written in stone. As you learn new information and expand your professional practice your thoughts and beliefs about these phenomena may very well change. View this assignment as an opportunity to articulate your thoughts about these four concepts. My Belief is Good pain control and community health services help rebuild a person after surgery You need to include the following items: 1. An introduction to the paper that includes a brief overview of the paradigm. 2. A statement and explanation of your beliefs in relation to each of the four concepts included in the paradigm of nursing (humans, health, nursing, environment). While there is no minimum requirement for the length of each `statement and explanation,` many fall into the range of three (3) to five (5) paragraphs for each component of the paradigm. Some questions you may want to ask and answer for yourself are: What is the essence of human? What is health? Illness? Wellness? How are they related? What is the reason for nursings existence? How do I facilitate a clients movement toward health? These are just suggestions. You are NOT required to respond to the questions listed in this paragraph. As you consider your explanation of how you have reached this belief, i.e. `This I believe about . . . because. . .`, you may want to review some of the information from previous NRSE 300 modules. The Paradigm Online Writing Assistant has guidelines about writing a Thesis/Support Essay. This can help you in the construction of the paper. You need to document your explanation with material from the textbook, from the videos, from your practice, and from at least two sources that are not listed in your class materials. 3. Choose one of the nurse theorists you viewed. Compare your beliefs to those expressed or implied by the Jean Watson. How similar are your beliefs? What differences exist? 4. The final section of the paper is to be a statement of your philosophy of nursing. It may help to go to the Ohio School of Nursing website and read the Philosophy of the School of Nursing. It will give you a sense of one style of writing a philosophy. The philosophy is a distillation of the thinking you did to write your beliefs and explanations. It usually takes the form of one to three sentences about each of the components with linking comments about how they relate to each other to form your personal philosophy of nursing. 5. Paper will be typed. Double-space the body of the paper. Use APA format for headings and references. Make sure that your name is on each page of the paper. Use the running head style as explained in the APA Manual. Proofread the paper. Do NOT rely solely on spell check. It will not tell you when you wrote `of` when you intended to write `or.` There is no specified length for this paper. They usually run between 3 and 6 pages of double-space Introduction Nursing refers to a contact or a bond that exists between two or more persons in which one of the two persons provide professional care to the other in addition to providing advice with an aim of improving the health of the other individual an preventing illness. Philosophy of nursing may refer to beliefs that different individuals have towards nursing. Humans refer to the primates in the family of hominids. They have a brain which is highly expanded enabling them to solve problems through reasoning, control of emotions, use of language and introspection. Humans are always craving to understand the world around them and influence the natural occurrences. Health refers to a state of well being where there is no sickness and reflects the social, physical, spiritual and mental fitness of an individual. Good health may be brought about by a balanced diet, exercise and rest. Nursing refers to a science in which the person involved aims at ensuring a good health for individuals, families and communities. In general, the science of nursing aims at upholding the quality of life. Environment is defined as the extensive information on issues, programs and policies affecting our surrounding. It refers to anything internal or external that may create some impact in the life of an individual including all the living and non living organisms that exist on the earth. Humans A good pain control after surgery when accompanied by appropriate community health services enables an individual to rebuild him or herself. It is however the responsibility of every person to ensure that the nurse or the doctor knows about him or herself before the pain control is administered on him or her. This the patient could do by enabling the doctor to know about his or her drug addiction either the past or present. Surgery of the stomach is a very painful one and the drug history of a person may affect the persons tolerance to the pain or response to the pain relievers. The pain control in patients also depends on the age of the patient as well the conditions of health of the individual before the surgery. Controlling pain after surgery is a very essential step in the life of a patient as it helps the individual to gain the best results on functionality. This is appropriate because the pain after surgery increases the functionality of the patient. Patients who before the surgery were on pain medication do require an administration of extended pain medication. Otherwise the patient may require shorter acting pain medications for the control of pain. Nursing The belief that good pain control and community health services help rebuild a person after surgery relates to nursing in the sense that nurses have been found to be mediums through which terminal care at home can be improved. Pain control is one of the components of quality terminal care in the community. Patients who have undergone surgery should be given enough advice by the nurses on where to get help if necessary. In addition to this they should be given appropriate analgesics to carry home which should be accompanied by sufficient instructions on their usage. Nevertheless, patients should be given both verbal and written information about pain so that and how pain can be reduced. The nursing staff should always be there for patients to advice them and to discuss with them their choice of a pain relieving techniques. The pain that is experienced by patients after surgery is usually very great that it should not be underestimated. This is because the pain does different implications on both the patients and the community health services. A proper pain control after surgery therefore requires the intervention of the nurse which will give way for community health services thus helping the patient to gain his or her health back. Nurses facilitates the process of pain control and ensures that it well managed to speed the process of recovering of a patient. Health The health of a person enables that person to function mentally, spiritually, physically and socially in full ability. The belief that a good pain control and community health service helps an individual to rebuild after a surgery relates to health in the sense that an individual will only have a good health when he or she is not in pain. A person is considered to fully healthy if he or she is not feeling any pain. Surgery involves a lot of pain therefore after a surgery an individual requires pain relief which is achieved through proper pain control by the nurses to enable him or her to function properly both physically, mentally, spiritually and socially. When a person is in pain, he or she will not perform any physical activity in addition the person will not be able to socialize freely with other people. The person will also not think properly thus lacking both mental and spiritual thinking. This is because pain makes a person uncomfortable creating a feeling that something is wrong in the body. The pain in the body i.e. physical pain sends a signal to the brain through the spinal cords that something is wrong thus stopping the mind from working properly. It is therefore essential that after surgery a patient should receive a good pain control and community health service to enable him or her to rebuild his health. Effective pain management is therefore considered by nurses as part of recovery because it when it is well controlled it speeds up the process of healing and reduce complications that a person may experience as a result of surgery. Environment The surroundings in which individuals live do affect the activities performed in that particular environment. Nurses do require an enabling environment to enable them to perform their duties properly. After surgery it will for the well being of the patient to have a conducive environment in which physical, mental, spiritual and social healing is possible. The nature of the environment in which pain control is conducted is very essential and should be set to fit the requirements of different patients. Pain control will enable an individual to feel comfortable as he or she heals, get well faster and avoid some problems associated with surgery. The nurse theorist viewed was Margaret Newman who also came up with a nursing theory of health as an expanding consciousness which requires every person to find the meaning of life and find connections with other people in the rest of the world. According to Margaret, health means increasing awareness. She put forward that the role of a nurse is to identify the lifestyle of an individual so that the nurse can work within that lifestyle to help the individual achieve the goals of his or her life. Newmans theory includes the health of every individual irrespective of the condition of illness i.e. whether sick or well. Jean on the other hand developed a caring theory which involves the caring actions taken by nurses in their interaction with the patients. The caring theory involves the deep respect offered to patients by the nurses for the mysteries of life and the ability of the patients to change their lifestyles. Watsons caring theory also requires a nurse to help the patients to acquire self control, knowledge and healing not regarding their health conditions. The difference that exists between my beliefs on Newmans theory and Watsons caring theory is that Newmans theory was focused on helping every person whether in the absence or presence of sickness to understand his or her status. It focused on the adjustments that a nurse should put to ensure that a person meets his or her requirements. Watson on the other hand focused on caring for the patients, respecting them and helping them to understand themselves by acquiring self control, knowledge and healing. The similarity between the two theories is that both the two believe that it is the role of a nurse to ensure appropriate lifestyles for different persons whether sick or not. They both believe that a nurse should be able to identify or recognize and accurately detect the health status of a person and be able to help that person accordingly. They believe that a nurse must come together and engage in an interaction so that the nurse can understand the unique lifestyle of the person and provide care in a manner that fits that lifestyle. Finally both the beliefs involve human and nursing in the science of nursing in order to provide desired care to persons. The statement of my philosophy of nursing is the belief that Good pain control and community health services help rebuild a person after surgery. Conclusion Surgery is a very painful exercise which usually requires an immediate pain control to stop the patient from suffering. Pain management especially after surgery is therefore very essential for the well being of the patient and nurses should ensure that it is provided to enable the patient to rebuild his or her health. Reference Newman, M. A. (1972). Nursings theoretical evolution. Nursing Outlook, 20(5), 449-453. Newman, M.A. (1979). Theory development in nursing. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis. Newman, M. A. (1982). Time as an index of expanding consciousness with age. Nursing Research, 31(5), 290-293. Newman, M.A. (1983). Newmans health theory. In I. Clements F. Roberts (Eds.), Family health: A theoretical approach to nursing care (pp. 161-175). New York: John Wiley. Engle, V. F. (1984). Newmans conceptual framework and the measurement of older adults health. Advances in Nursing Science, 7(1), 24-36. Newman, M. A. (1984). Nursing diagnosis: Looking at the whole. American Journal of Nursing, 84(12), 1496-1499. Newman, M.A. (1986). Health as Expanding Consciousness. St. Louis: Mosby. Newman, M. A. (1987). Aging as increasing complexity. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 13(9), 16-18. Newman, M.A. (1990). Newmans theory of health as praxis. Nursing Science Quarterly, 3(1), 37-41 Gustafson, W. (1990). Application of Newmans theory of health: Pattern recognition as nursing practice. In M. E. Parker (Ed.), Nursing theories in practice (pp. 141-161). New York: National League for Nursing. Kalb, K. A. (1990). The gift: Applying Newmans theory of health in nursing practice. In M. Parker (Ed.), Nursing theories in practice (pp. 163-186). New York: National League for Nursing. Newman, M. A. (1990). Shifting to higher consciousness. In M. E. Parker (Ed.), Nursing theories in practice (pp. 129-139). New York: National League for Nursing. Newman, M. A. (1990). Toward an integrative model of professional practice. Journal of Professional Nursing, 6(3), 167-173. Newman, M. A., Lamb, G. S., Michaels, C. (1991). Nurse case management: The coming together of theory and practice. Nursing Health Care, 12(8), 404-408. Newman, M. A., Sime, A. M., Corcoran-Perry, S. A. (1991). The focus of the discipline of nursing. Advances in Nursing Science, 14(1), 1-6. Newman, M. A. (1992). Prevailing paradigms in nursing. Nursing Outlook, 40(1), 10-14. Marchione, J. (1993). Margaret Newman: Health as expanding consciousness. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. Newman, M. A. (1994). Health expanding consciousness (2nd ed.). New York: National League for Nursing. Newman, M.A. (1994). Theory for nursing practice. Nursing Science Quarterly, 7(4), 153-157. Newman, M. A. (1995). A developing discipline: Selected works of Margaret Newman. New York: National League for Nursing. Marchione, J. (1995). Margaret Newman: Health as expanding consciousness. In C. M. McQuiston A. A. Webb ( Eds.), Foundations of nursing theory: Contributions of 12 key theorists (pp. 261-316). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Engle, V. F. (1996). Newmans theory of health. In J. J. Fitzpatrick A. L. Whall (Eds.), Conceptual models of nursing: Analysis and application (3rd ed., pp. 275-288). Stamford, CT: Appleton Lange. Newman, M.A. (1996). Theory of the nurse-client partnership. In E. Cohen (Ed.), Nurse case management in the 21st Century (pp. 119-123). St. Louis: Mosby Year-book. Newman, M. A. (1997). Experiencing the whole. Advances in Nursing Science, 20(1), 34-39. Newman, M. A. (1997). Evolution of the theory of health as expanding consciousness. Nursing Science Quarterly, 10(1), 22-25. Yamashita, M., Jensen, E., Tall, F. (1998). Therapeutic touch: Applying Newmans theoretic approach. Nursing Science Quarterly, 11(2) 49-50. Desai, S., Keffer, M. J., Hensley, D. Kilgore-Keever, K. A., Langfitt, J. V. Peterson, L. (1998). Margaret A. Newman: Model of Health. In A. M. Tomey M. R. Alligood (Eds.), Nursing theorists and their work (4th ed., pp. 496-515). St. Louis: Mosby. Newman, M. A. (1999). The rhythm of relating in a paradigm of wholeness. Image: Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 31(3), 227-230. Pharris, M. D. (2001). Margaret A. Newman: Health as expanding consciousness. In Parker, M. (Ed.), Nursing theories and nursing practice (pp. 263-274). Philadelphia: Davis. Newman, M. A. (2002). Caring in the human health experience. International Journal for Human Caring. 6(2), 8-12. Newman, M. A. (2002). The pattern that connects. Advances in Nursing Science, 24(3), 1-7. Witucki, J. M. (2002). Newmans theory of health as expanding consciousness in nursing practice. In M. R. Alligood A. M. Tomey (Eds.), Nursing theory utilization application (2nd ed., pp. 429-449). St. Louis: Mosby. Newman, M. A. (2003). A world of no boundaries. Advances in Nursing Science, 26(4), 240-245. Endo, E. (2004). Nursing praxis with Margaret Newmans theory of health expanding consciousness. Nursing Science Quarterly, 17(2), 110-115. Health as Expanding Consciousness A website by Margaret Newman. ASSUMPTIONS deal with human life, nursing science, and the process of nursing. Watsons conception of human life is tied to notions that ones soul possesses a body that is not confined by objective space and time. The lived world of the experiencing person is not distinguished by external and internal notions of time and space, but shapes its own time and space, which is unconstrained by linearity. Nursing is a human science of persons and human health-illness experiences that are mediated by professional, personal, scientific, esthetic, and ethical human care transactions. The process of nursing is human care. THE THEORY OF HUMAN CARING The main concept of the theory is TRANSPERSONAL HUMAN CARING, which is best understood within the concepts of three ancillary concepts: LIFE, ILLNESS, and HEALTH. HUMAN LIFE is defined as spiritual-mental-physical being-in-the-world, which is continuous in time and space. ILLNESS is not necessarily disease. Illness is subjective turmoil or disharmony with a persons inner self or soul at some level or disharmony within the spheres of the person, either consciously or unconsciously. HEALTH refers to unity and harmony within the mind, body, and soul. TRANSPERSONAL HUMAN CARING and caring transactions are those scientific, professional, ethical, yet esthetic, creative and personalized giving-receiving behaviors and responses between nurse and patient that allow for contact between the subjective world of the experiencing persons through physical, mental, or spiritual routes or some combination thereof. THE GOAL OF NURSING is to help persons gain a higher degree of harmony within the mind, body, and soul which generates self-knowledge, self-reverence, self-healing, and self-care processes while increasing diversity. Nursing interventions or CARATIVE FACTORS are: Humanistic-altruistic system of values Faith-hope Sensitivity to self and others Helping-trusting, human care relationship Expressing positive and negative feelings Creative problem-solving caring process Transpersonal teaching-learning Supportive, protective, and/or corrective mental, physical, societal, and spiritual environment Human needs assistance Existential-phenomenological-spiritual forces Return to Top This page was last modified on 6/1/02

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Management Information System: Virgin Trains

Management Information System: Virgin Trains MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM A management information system is actually a combination of hardware. Software and the people who use the hardware and software to manipulate the information within the organization. These sources are help in the collection, storage and retrieval of the data in the organization. The main function of the MIS is to store the information and to furnish it to the management whenever it is required. INFORMATION SYSTEM An information system is a systematic structure which is formed by the organization according to its convenience for the handling of the information. There are many elements which work together in the process of collecting, storing and processing of the data. A computer is physical equipment used in the MIS or in other words it is the hardware involved in the information system. The data which is mainly raw facts is not of any use so the data has to be processed the computer programs hence help in the processing of the raw data in order to make it useful for the organization The computer programs are the technological components of an information system. If the people of the organization have proper knowledge of the programs only then they will be able to process the information effectively in the organization. RELATION BETWEEN THE ORGANISATION AND ITS MIS The organization and its information system are inseparable. The organization is very much dependent on its information system. Whenever there is a change in the strategies, or the policies in the organization the information system also goes through a drastic change in the organization. The organizations present and future progress fully depends on the present a future functioning of its information system. Before the information systems affected only a small part of the organization i.e. some of the operational or the technical issues but at present the information systems affect the major part of the organization such as the decision making, strategy information, the products of the organization, the structure of the organization etc. Each and every part of the business is connected with its information system any change in the information system will affect the organization similarly any change in the organization will affect its information system. DIMENSIONS OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS ORGANISATION: In some of the organizations an information system is a major part of the organization. The information systems are a part of the organization only in some organizations which deal with financial services in such organizations the information system is the organization MANAGEMENT: The management is another dimension of an information system. The information system assists the Managers to take necessary decisions. The information system provides the managers with the tools to plan allocate and control work within the organization. TECHNOLOGY: The technology is one of the most important dimensions of an information system. The technology is what that helps the organization to have an updated information system in the organization which can cope up with the day to day changes happening in the business environment. TYPES OF SYSTEMS IN ORGANISATION There are many types of systems in the organization according to the different processes in the organization the various systems are Transaction processing system, decision support system, office system, knowledge work system. Transaction processing system: The transaction processing system involves all the activities which are related to the ordering, order taking, and order tracking. The order processing, trading of the securities etc. The transaction processing system helps in systematically carrying out all the above mentioned activities in the organization. Knowledge work system: A knowledge work system helps in connecting the different dimensions of knowledge within the organization. The knowledge work systems combine the Engineering department, the managerial department, the Human resource department etc the knowledge work system helps in combining different dimensions of the organization and to effectively complete the work by integrating the knowledge from all levels. Management information system: As seen before the management information system provides the manager with essential assistance. The MIS provides the managers with information relations to the sales management, the inventory control, the decision support system the management level provides the management with the analytical models and the data analysis tools which would help in the semi structured and unstructured decision making activities. Executive support system: The executive support system provides the assistance to the management at a very higher spectrum. It helps the management with the functions such as the sales trend forecasting, budget forecasting, personnel planning etc so the executive support system helps the management to make decisions in these key areas. All these above mentioned systems are interested with one another. The process done by one system helps the other system to carry out its work. The process by one system acts as a base for the activity that has to be carried by the other system in the organization. The decision support system and the executive support system often use the information obtained from the transaction processing system and the management information system. Some systems also obtain data from the outside for carrying out its activities the knowledge work systems and the decision support system use the information such as the stock market information from the outside and design supplier information. DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM The decision support system mainly helps in taking the structured and unstructured decision making in the organization. The decision support system uses information from both the transaction processing system and the management information system. The decision support system provides the management with the advanced analytical tools and data analysis tools which help in analyzing the data in a much wider spectrum and take the decisions much more effectively. The decision support system is much more advance than the Executive support system because the decision support system uses much more advanced analytical tools such as the linear programming or forecasting. TRANSACTION PROCESSING SYSTEM Transaction processing system is one of the main systems of the MIS and the transaction processing system has five more systems Sales or marketing systems: The sales or marketing system mainly provide all information related to the market. It provides information about the product pricing, the promotion of the product, the system of the sales commission, the market research and the predicting of the market and the demand for the products etc Manufacturing and production systems: Manufacturing and productive systems provide all information regarding the inventory, the movement of the inventory, the procurement of the inventory. It also maintains data related to the manufacturing operations of the organization and the quality control activities related to the organization Finance and accounting systems: Finance and accounting systems provide all information related to the financial activities of the organization. All the information of the day to day activities of the financial transactions are stored, analyzed and retrieved whenever it is required. Many activities such as budgeting, general ledger, funds management etc are carried out with the help of this system. Human resource systems: The human resources systems take maintain the information relate to the each and every employee in the organization. All these informationà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s are used for providing the employees with the compensation and other benefits. It provides help in various areas of human resource such as payroll functions, compensation, training and development of employees etc. CHANGES BROUGHT IN BY MIS IN ORGANISATIONS The information systems are growing and achieving various levels of improvement day by day. There is new MIS hardware and softwareà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s which are being invented and hence there are lots of changes occurring in the organization. Due to the information systems the layers of the management has been reduced as a result of that there is a proper flow of information in the organizations. The organizations have become much more flexible in their functioning. The flattening of the organization is one distinct feature through which the decision making of the line workers has also increased and so this has lead to the increase in the work satisfaction of the employees as the management span of control has broadened. CHALLENGES INVOLVED IN BUILDING, OPERATING, MAINTAINING INFORMATION SYSTEMS The strategic business challenge encourages us to realize that we must be able to use information technology to design organizations so that they are competitive, effective and digitally-enabled. The globalization challenge facing us is that we must ascertain how firms can understand the systems requirements of a global economic environment. The information architecture and infrastructure challenge is that we must be able to help the organization develop an information architecture that is able to support the company goals when both the business conditions and the technologies are changing so rapidly. The information systems investment challenge is for us to know how the organization can determine the business value of systems. Finally, the responsibility and control challenge is for us to understand how organizations can ensure that their information systems are used in an ethically and socially responsible way. ETHICAL ISSUES RELATED TO MIS End-user development refers to the development of information systems by end users with minimal or no assistance from professional systems analysts or programmers. This is accomplished through sophisticated user-friendly software tools and gives end users direct control over their own computing. Advantages include improved requirements determination, realizing large productivity gains when developing certain types of applications, enabling end users to take a more active role in the systems development process, many can be used for prototyping, and some have new functions such as graphics, modeling, and ad hoc information retrieval. Disadvantages include not being suited for large transaction-oriented applications or applications with complex updating requirements, standards for testing and quality assurance may not be applied, and proliferation of uncontrolled data and private information systems. End-user development is suited to solving some of the backlog problem because the end users can develop their needed applications themselves. It is suited to developing low-transaction systems. End-user development is valuable for creating systems that access data for such purposes as analysis (including the use of graphics in that analysis) and reporting. It can also be used for developing simple data-entry applications Policies and procedures to manage end-user development include the following: The organization must establish sufficient support facilities for end-user computing: information centers or distributed end-user computing centers. Training and support should be targeted to the specific needs of those being trained. End-user application development should not be allowed to be undertaken randomly but should be incorporated into the organizations strategic plan. Management should develop controls over end-user computing in the following areas: Cost justification of end-user information system project. Hardware and software standards for user-developed applications. Company-wide standards for microcomputers, word processing software, database management systems, graphics software, and query and reporting tools. Quality assurance reviews that specify whether the end-user systems must be reviewed by information systems and internal audit specialists. Control for end-user developed applications covering testing, documentation, accuracy, and completeness of input and update, backup, recovery and supervision. Critical applications that supply data to other important systems should be flagged and subjected to more rigorous standards. ANALYSIS OF MIS AT VIRGIN TRAINS The company which is taken for this study is the Virgin trains. The virgin trains belong to the virgin groups. This private railway has done a reinforcement of its information system. It has fully transformed information system to provide better service to its customers and also to carry out its business processes effectively. The main aim of the company is to provide its employees, customers and other stake holders with the maximum benefit through various management information tools. GENERAL OBJECTIVES The general objective of the virgin trains is to have an advanced information management system. The aim of this system is to have a strong IT infrastructure. Virgin aims to maintain to facilitate both the employees and also the customers in all its business activities by having an a good information management system backed up by advanced technology. HALCROW The reinforcement of the technology at Virgin trains has been done by Halcrow. It is an organization which provides the organizations with solution to maintain their information at Halcrow they have combined cutting edge information technology skills along with front line Railway management skills to provide a very effective and efficient management information system. I.T STRATEGY USED BY VIRGIN TRAINS The main strategy which virgin trains is adopting now is to revamp its entire information system process, feasibility studies of the information system which is implemented is carried out, also the risk involved in the system has also been analyzed . It is now concentrating to effectively maintain its marketing information. in order to do that areas like warehousing commercial data, data analysis, warehousing and using click-stream data are given more importance. As a part of its IT transformation Virgin trains has also transformed some of its systems such as the Train planning and scheduling data, on-train monitoring and reporting systems data. MIS AT EACH LEVEL OF VIRGIN MIS IN CUSTOMER SERVICE Virgin has lots of facilities which help the customers with the booking of ticket. There are many facilities like the mobile ticketing platforms, chip and pin units to Bluetooth based equipment for onboard payments. These are the devices used to maintain the services provided to the customer through advanced MIS tools provided by Halcrow. MIS FOR THE MANAGEMENT The MIS used for the management to carry out its activities is designed by Halcrow. Virgin uses the MIS solution that was framed by Halcrow to maintain activities like recruiting, Decision making, financial management etc. This MIS also helps to improve reporting around areas such as on-train shopping patterns. The MIS provided by the Halcrow also interfaces with the CRM system which is written in .NET so this helps the Virgin trains to have a good CRM with its customers. MOBILE ROLL OUT Virgin is currently finalizing trials for a roll out of handheld devices. These devices will be given to the drivers of the trains and these devices are equipped with Vodafone supplied PDAà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s. This device helps the drivers by replacing the paper based materials and would help in effective handling of the information. HARDWARE USED FOR THE MIS AT VIRGIN HP is the main supplier of all the hardware devices used at virgin for MIS. Citrix supplies thin-client Technology for applications such as rail operation systems. SOFTWARE SUPPLIERS FOR MIS AT VIRGIN The main provider of software to the MIS at virgin is Microsoft and Capgemini has also been one of the key suppliers of softwareà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s for the system. SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGHT The virgin trains have a lot of potential for improving its processes. As mentioned before it is doing a revamp of all its MIS processes this puts the Virgin trains in an advanced stage and also in a strong position to face its competitors. WEAKNESS The maintenance of the system is very expensive and the company aims to get a full return on all the investments made by it on IT. Any failure of any system which is currently being used will become a great weakness to the organization. since most of the processes are being experimented still. OPPORTUNITY As mentioned before the revamping of the IT processes at the virgin is a greater opportunity for the organization to rectify the shortcomings of the old system and to have an effective new system. THREAT Since most of the data used by virgin trains is dependent on electronic data any minor fault in the system would cause a threat to the entire system of virgin trains. CONCLUSION In this project we have seen briefly about MIS and its function in an organization. The Virgin Trains is taking MIS to a whole new level by investing firmly in its IT and also experimenting with its new systems which are going to be implemented. We saw how the use of MIS facilitates the organization on all angles of the business.MIS helps not only the organization but also its stakeholders and it helps the organization to achieve its objective in a very short period. REFRENCE: Wendy R. (1997) Strategic management and information system, 2nd edition, pitman Mcleod.R, Schell.G.P, Management information system, 2007, Pearson Education Inc, New Jersey, Pp (8-15). Web: CIO interview virgin train, [online] verified on (accessed on 18/07/2010) Web: Rail data management and management information systems, [online] verified on (accessed on 19/07/2010)

Monday, August 19, 2019

Impact of Gender on Communication Essay -- Gender Roles

Throughout human history gender has had a significant, if not the most significant, role in human life. It is clearly a fork in the road at birth that will determine many things you will barely ever have any control over. What you wear, what you eat, what you do; all is directly influenced all throughout your life based on your gender. These â€Å"gender-roles† have been long assigned without personal say, or even our parents say. In fact, it stems from almost pre-historic times to the beginning of our evolutionary chain. Regardless of more current acts that have meshed these rolls together, I think it is obvious to say we will always look at a man and women differently. It only seems logical that they two will also communicate very differently, which they do. Now we all have expectations of what the roles of each gender are. We all have an idea in our head about what the â€Å"real American man† is. He should boast a confidence that he is the main competitor. He can probably accomplish any task almost entirely on his own, and always does it better than anyone else. A male child is raised to aspire to have these qualities, therefore striving to display them in almost everything they do. Almost every â€Å"boy activity† revolves around some type of competition, always one versus the other. This ranges from recreational sports, like soccer and football, to silly games boy play on their own, like cops and robbers. Growing up in a highly competitive environment leads to standard characteristics we say amongst adolescents to young men. Men tend to be honest, direct, and factual. This leads to a communication environment where the main goal is to exchange information in order to solve a problem. This is where women will fi... ...any corporate cultures would even consider this innovative, and very effective. You are seeing more rising female executives and more stay at home dads than any other generation. Mainly, because now it is not out of the norm, and genders are encouraged to explore all opportunities. Not just those historically restricted to their gender. Obviously these gender roles are almost impossible to escape, but our society has shown great growth in regards to social equality. We have grown able to mesh the polar opposites together, and possibly have more robust communication now than ever before in history. We definitely are born and bred to have certain traits, but more than ever before we have more choices to actually satisfy what we ourselves want. The home is no longer a definitive place for women, and the executive office no longer a private lounge for men.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Sodium :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Life could not exist without compounds of sodium. These compounds hold water in body tissues, and a severe deficiency of sodium can cause death. Blood contains sodium compounds in solution. Sodium compounds are used in industry in the manufacture of chemicals and pharmaceuticals, in metallurgy, in sodium vapor lamps, and in the production of hundreds of every day products. One of the most common sodium compounds is table salt, or sodium chloride. In its pure form sodium is a silver-white, soft and waxy metallic element. It is the sixth most abundant element on Earth and occurs in more that trace amounts in the stars and sun.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The secret that led to low-cost production was learned in 1789, when the French chemist Nicolas Leblanc discovered how to make soda out of common salt. The compound called soda is sodium carbonate. Crude sodium carbonate is called soda ash. The carbonate also combines with water in crystals known as washing soda, or sal soda. Soda is used in manufacturing soap, glass, dyestuffs, and explosives and as the basis for making other sodium compounds. Other sodium compounds, with some of their uses, are: baking soda(sodium bicarbonate), an ingredient of baking powder; borax (sodium borate), a food preservative; and caustic soda, or lye (sodium hydroxide), used in soapmaking. Some properties of sodium are: Symbol Na, Atomic Number 11, Atomic Weight 22.9898, Boiling Point 1,621.2 F, and Melting Point 208.06 F.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sodium belongs to the group of elements known as alkali metals. It is never found uncombined in nature and was first isolated by the English scientist Sir Humphry Davy in 1807. Lighter than water, pure sodium can be cut with a knife at room temperature and is brittle at low temperatures. It conducts heat and electricity easily and exhibits a photoelectric effect, that is, it emits electrons when exposed to light. In its pure form, sodium oxidizes

Spanish El Recado :: Papers

Spanish El Recado Analasis de El Recado Elena Poniatowska escrita durante una epoca de cambio en Mexico. Antes de sus obras las mujeres mexicanas eran sometidos, docil, y pasivo. En la tiempo de sus obras las mujeres estaba tratando salir de los estereotipos de antes. Esta problema social tomo un afecto en Elena. Aunque ella no viene de un movimiento literatura directamente, ella escrita con el concepto de compremetido. En su narrative El Recado ella crea un mujer estereotipical que no puede controlar sus emociones. La titula es eso porque ella viene a ver su amante, pero el no esta, asi ella escribe las cosas que sentia. La perspectiva es de un personaje y ella nunca interacta con otros personajes. En facto la unica descripcion de un personaje otro de la protagonista es de su amante Martin. Habla de otros personajes, pero solamente de sus acciones. Porque ellas es la unica perspectiva que tenemos es sencillo a sentar compasion para una protagonista de quien nombre no aun sabemos. Ella da la descripcion de toda que vea, y mas importante todo que se sienta. Tambien tropos y figuras retoricas dan un tono significante al poema. Estos sentimientos de la portagonista y el tono emocional de la narrativa transporta una tema de una mujer estereotipical y debil quien quiere ser reconocido. El Recado es un cuento de la esperanza y amor. La protagonista viene a visita Martin, pero el no esta en su casa. Entonces ella esperas en peldano, y esperanza que el aparece pronto. Esperanza es una palabra muy importante en el cuento. La palabra es usado directamente tres veces en la obra 26, 31, y 39. Tambien en el principio de el cuento todo es de un afecto sensual. Mientras ella esta en el peldano vea el jardin de Martin. Da caracteristicas humanos (personificacion) a los flores en el jardin ( 6-7), estos caracteristicas como honesto y graves probablamente tambien de su amante. Luego ella hace una comparacion directa entre el y el jardin â€Å"Todo el jardin es solido, es como tu, tiene una reciedumbre que inspira confianza.† Este oracion no solamente tiene un simil, pero tambien ayuda en mostrando la comparacion a un mujer de un hombre. El hombre es personificado con palabras de fuerza, mientras todo el cuento muestra una mujer debil.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Financial strain Essay

I agree with the need of practicing consistency in the physician’s clinics. Evidence-based practice is a very useful tool and is something that is highly recommended to be integrated into the daily clinical practice like in the high quality care of diabetes. Diabetes at present ranks seventh as a primary reason of death in the first world countries and in the United States, for example, costs approximately more than $132 billion annually in healthcare and is still expected to rise yearly to as much as $192 billion in 2020 (Molinaro, 2008). This financial strain in the healthcare system could have been one of the triggers why the American Diabetes Association launched the Diabetes Physicians Recognition Program (DPRP) as a tool in effectively addressing this disease. The management of diabetes is important in the children population as well since it affects not only their health and safety but also their emotional and intellectual growth (Meyers, 2005). Like any other program that is put in place, the challenge always lies in sustaining them after they are implemented. Although the new process of diabetes check for every office visit demands longer time for both the patients and mid level providers, parties involved should be constantly reminded that this preventative program would ultimately benefit everyone by the early detection of diabetes and resultantly, its proactive treatment and prevention. The physician of the practice should be reminded that a lot of effort and resources were expended in getting the DPRP accreditation and implementing its various elements and processes are vital in making the program effective and achieve its desired end. Early intervention of the practice physician to ensure compliance of mid level providers is required to continuously sustain the program. This would set the example for patients to also do their part in ensuring that they also comply with requirements. References Biotech Week (11/Mar/2009). Bone Research: Research from the University of Ferrara. Bone Research Area. Profitt, W. (2000). Masters of esthetic dentistry: The soft tissue paradigm in orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning. Journal of Esthetic Dentistry, 12, 86. Meyers, Laurie. (2005). Safe at school: Treating Diabetes in the Classroom. Diabetes Forecast, 5, 44. Molinaro, R. J. (2008). Targeting HbA1c: standardization and clinical laboratory measurement. Medical Laboratory Observer, 40 (1), p. 10.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Modernization Essay

As we begin to ponder the future of modernization, and the possible consequences that are apt to occur, perhaps we should first revisit the definition of modernization. To this end we can start by saying that modernization is thought of as a concept that states that the development of societies can be considered as a standard evolutionary pattern that has a tendency to stimulate growth. It can also be considered as the concept that refers to the process where society goes through several stages, including industrialization, urbanization, and various other social changes, that tend to completely transform the lives of individuals. One must first take into consideration that modernization, taken in-and-of- itself, should not be considered either good or bad. Modernization is not limited to the geographical bounds of the United States but actually affects people worldwide, and has wide ranging effects including politically, socially, economically, and environmentally throughout the entire populated world. Of course, as in most things, there are positive aspects of modernization as well as several consequences. Perhaps it could be posited that Industrialization began the social changes in the United States society that could be referred to as the modernization of the United States. Although there were many changes before industrialization they were perhaps not as wide-ranging or as monumental. For the purposes of this discussion we can say that modernization refers to the changes of social patterns since the time of the industrial revolution (Macionis, J. J. , 2011). These changes are going to continue, so that we can have better and more efficient technology. Our buildings are even being built to endure certain circumstance based on location. We have advanced so much there would be no reason to take a step back now. We are finding more and better ways to improve our everyday lives and makes things easier for an everyday commute. We have changed the way we think and treat people as well. Since we are a more diverse society people don’t judge each other based on their race, gender, sexual orientation, or ethnicity. The way we treat others in the workplace and sexual harassment has changed also sexual harassment is now a serious crime and has consequences. Modernization is a world-wide trend. We often use conference calling for business meetings in foreign countries. Most countries now have access to the World Wide Web as well. Countries are looking for ways to modernize and adapt to the new technology we have available. There are societies and religions that do not believe in modernization such as the Amish. In some societies socialization has become closer among residents while others societies have grown further apart. Schools are adapting to other cultures and standards. Education is changing as well as work ethics and duties. Countries want to find new ways to expand and progress. Japan and China are two countries that have shown major modernization in the last few decades. All countries can benefit from the progression of modernization. Modernization helps to societies as well as has its negative aspects. We will discuss the negative effects later. Technology blends with our society and traditions are often lost. With more technology we find less need for backbreaking labor and many jobs are replaced with machines. Modernization has even affected our environment with pollution. There are positive aspects to modernization as well. As mentioned before the technology helps in the workplace by making things more efficient, faster, and less costly. Modernization has also change the way be build. Many of our buildings are now modernized and more appealing to onlookers. We can now see other parts of the world just by searching the internet. We can socialize with others that are across the globe without leaving our homes. Modernization has led to social, political, economical, cultural changes, and more. We have brought change in society in numerous ways. Modernization has helped to legalize same-sex marriages, abortions and other things that were considered forbidden before. Some fear with the advance in modernization that we may lose sight in religious values. The great thing about modernization is more people are thinking for themselves, and fighting for what they believe in. A study done in china had found that people in underdeveloped areas where more likely to get lung cancer because of smoking in their homes and using solid heat to cook and heat. The study found it was better on their health to live in a more modernized society. The wood and coal used to make their heat and warm their food was also a cause of lung cancer. So modernization, even though it has also caused pollution in the past, can also help us to become more environmentally friendly. This study shows that we are learning from our mistakes and making better choices to make a better future. Modernization has its good qualities as well as its bad. Technology will continue to advance and societies will continue to adapt. We will continue our want and need for something faster, better, and more efficient than the technology we already have. Countries will continue to compete with each other to come out with the latest technology and best advancements. We will continue to accept new trends, ideas, and values. Some traditions will diminish though we will have new advancements to take their place. The U. S. alone has grown to accept new things such as same sex marriage, rights to vote and more. With as advance as we have become worldwide there is no reason for modernization to stop where it is. We can always learn new things, make new things and come together as better communities. We can also learn to adapt and make better choices for our environment to ensure a healthier world for generations to come.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Medical Education Essay

Working together as an interdisciplinary team, many highly trained health professionals besides medical practitioners are involved in the delivery of modern health care. Examples include: nurses, emergency medical technicians and paramedics, laboratory scientists, pharmacists, physician assistants, podiatrists physiotherapists, respiratory therapists,speech therapists, occupational therapists, radiographers, dietitians, and bioengineers. The scope and sciences underpinning human medicine overlap many other fields. Dentistry, while considered by some a separate discipline from medicine, is a medical field. A patient admitted to hospital is usually under the care of a specific team based on their main presenting problem, e.g., the Cardiology team, who then may interact with other specialties, e.g., surgical, radiology, to help diagnose or treat the main problem or any subsequent complications/developments. Physicians have many specializations and subspecializations into certain branches of medicine, which are listed below. There are variations from country to country regarding which specialties certain subspecialties are in. The main branches of medicine are: ââ€" ª Basic sciences of medicine; this is what every physician is educated in, and some return to in biomedical research. ââ€" ª Medical specialties ââ€" ª Interdisciplinary fields, where different medical specialties are mixed to function in certain occasions. [pic] ââ€" ª Anatomy is the study of the physical structure of organisms. In contrast to macroscopic or gross anatomy, cytology and histology are concerned with microscopic structures. ââ€" ª Biochemistry is the study of the chemistry taking place in living organisms, especially the structure and function of their chemical components. ââ€" ª Biomechanics is the study of the structure and function of biological systems by means of the methods of Mechanics. ââ€" ª Biostatistics is the application of statistics to biological fields in the broadest sense. A knowledge of biostatistics is essential in the planning, evaluation, and interpretation of medical research. It is also fundamental to epidemiology and evidence-based medicine. ââ€" ª Biophysics is an interdisciplinary science that uses the methods of physics and physical chemistry to study biological systems. ââ€" ª Cytology is the microscopic study of individual cells. ââ€" ª Embryology is the study of the early development of organisms. ââ€" ª Endocrinology is the study of hormones and their effect throughout the body of animals. ââ€" ª Epidemiology is the study of the demographics of disease processes, and includes, but is not limited to, the study of epidemics. ââ€" ª Genetics is the study of genes, and their role in biological inheritance. ââ€" ª Histology is the study of the structures of biological tissues by light microscopy, electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry. ââ€" ª Immunology is the study of the immune system, which includes the innate and adaptive immune system in humans, for example. ââ€" ª Medical physics is the study of the applications of physics principles in medicine. ââ€" ª Microbiology is the study of microorganisms, including protozoa, bacteria, fungi, and viruses. ââ€" ª Molecular biology is the study of molecular underpinnings of the process of replication, transcription and translation of the genetic material. ââ€" ª Neuroscience includes those disciplines of science that are related to the study of the nervous system. A main focus of neuroscience is the biology and physiology of the human brain and spinal cord. Some related clinical specialties include neurology, neurosurgery andpsychiatry. ââ€" ª Nutrition science (theoretical focus) and dietetics (practical focus) is the study of the relationship of food and drink to health and disease, especially in determining an optimal diet. Medical nutrition therapy is done by dietitians and is prescribed for diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, weight and eating disorders, allergies, malnutrition, and neoplastic diseases. ââ€" ª Pathology as a science is the study of disease—the causes, course, progression and resolution thereof. [pic] Ever wonder why physics is important in the field of medicine? Well, there are numerous reasons why it is very vital to this field. One reason is â€Å"medical physics†, it is one of the branches of physics. Medical physics is a branch of applied physics concerning the application ofphysics to medicine. It generally concerns physics as applied to medical imaging and radiotherapy. And what is medical imaging? Medical imaging refers to the techniques and processes used to create images of the human body (or parts thereof) for clinical purposes (medical procedures seeking to reveal,diagnose or examine disease) or medical science (including the study of normal anatomy and function. Under this are the following: – An MRI scan – Diagnostic radiology, including x-rays, fluoroscopy, mammography, Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, angiography and Computed tomography – Ultrasound, including intravascular ultrasound – Non-ionising radiation (Lasers, Ultraviolet etc.) – Nuclear medicine, including SPECT and positron emission tomography (PET) – Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), including functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and other methods for functional neuroimaging of the brain. For example, nuclear magnetic resonance (often referred to as magnetic resonance imaging to avoid the common concerns about radiation), uses the phenomenon of nuclear resonance to image the human body. – Magnetoencephalography – Electrical impedance tomography – Diffuse optical imaging – Optical coherence tomography Through Physics we nurses are able to treat diseases. Treatment of disease: – Defibrillation – High intensity focussed ultrasound, including lithotripsy – Interventional radiology – Non-ionising radiation Lasers, Ultraviolet etc. including photodynamic therapyand LASIK – Nuclear medicine, including unsealed source radiotherapy – Photomedicine, the use of light to treat and diagnose disease – Radiotherapy – Sealed source radiotherapy – Terahertz radiation Through physics we are also able to understand the part of the body especially the brain. ECG trace Used to monitor and measure various physiological parameters. Many physiological measurement techniques are non-invasive and can be used in conjunction with, or as an alternative to, other invasive methods. – Electrocardiography – Electromyography – Electroencephalography – Electronystagmography – Endoscopy – Medical ultrasonography – Non-ionising radiation (Lasers, Ultraviolet etc.) – Near infrared spectroscopy -Pulse oximetry Blood gas monitor Blood pressure measurement You see Physics is a great help in the field of medicine without it, we are not able to enjoy what we are enjoying in terms of treating our diseases. Chemistry is a huge part of medicine, not only do you need an understanding of it to become a doctor, but it is also both a diagnostic and treatment tool. The importance of chemistry lies in developing and testing new medical treatments and medicines. Without it doctors would not understand how vitamins, supplements, and drugs can help or harm you. Chemistry departments in hospital medical labs play an important and valuable role. Analyzing substances such as blood and urine, for proteins, sugars and other metabolic and inorganic substances. They are able to look for problems such as diabetes, therefore offering an early prognosis and cure to potentially life threatening diseases. Medical Technology extends and improves life. It alleviates pain, injury and handicap. Its role in healthcare is essential. Incessant medical technology innovation enhances the quality and effectiveness of care. Billions of patients worldwide depend on medical technology at home, at the doctor’s, at hospital and in nursing homes. Wheelchairs, pacemakers, orthopedic shoes, spectacles and contact lenses, insulin pens, hip prostheses, condoms, oxygen masks, dental floss, MRI scanners, pregnancy tests, surgical instruments, bandages, syringes, life-support machines: more than 500,000 products (10,000 generic groups) are available today. Medical technology represents only 6,3% of total healthcare expenditure in Europe – a modest share if you consider the benefits for every member of society. The term medical technology may also refer to the duties performed by clinical laboratory professionals in various settings within the public and private sectors. The work of these professionals encompass clinical applications of chemistry, genetics, hematology, immunohematology (blood banking), immunology, microbiology, serology, urinalysis and miscellaneous body fluid analysis. These professionals may be referred to as Medical Technologists (MT) and Medical Laboratory Technologists. Pharmacy which is from the Greek word Pharmakeia φÎ ±Ã ÃŽ ¼ÃŽ ±ÃŽ ºÃŽ µÃŽ ¹ÃŽ ± is the health profession that links the health sciences with the chemical sciences and it is charged with ensuring the safe and effective use of pharmaceutical drugs. The Greek: φÎ ¬Ã ÃŽ ¼ÃŽ ±ÃŽ ºÃŽ ¿ÃŽ ½ (pharmakon), means â€Å"drug† or â€Å"medicine† (the earliest form of the word is the Mycenaean Greek pa-ma-ko, attested in Linear B syllabic script). The scope of pharmacy practice includes more traditional roles such as compounding and dispensing medications, and it also includes more modern services related to health care, including clinical services, reviewing medications for safety and efficacy, and providing drug information. Pharmacists, therefore, are the experts on drug therapy and are the primary health professionals who optimize medication use to provide patients with positive health outcomes. An establishment in which pharmacy (in the first sense) is practiced is called a pharmacy, chemist’s or drug store. In the United States and Canada, drug stores commonly sell not only medicines, but also miscellaneous items such as candy (sweets), cosmetics, and magazines, as well as light refreshments or groceries. The word pharmacy is derived from its root word pharma which was a term used since the 15th–17th centuries. In addition to pharma responsibilities, the pharma offered general medical advice and a range of services that are now performed solely by other specialist practitioners, such as surgery and midwifery. The pharma (as it was referred to) often operated through a retail shop which, in addition to ingredients for medicines, sold tobacco and patent medicines. The pharmas also used many other herbs not listed. In its investigation of herbal and chemical ingredients, the work of the pharma may be regarded as a precursor of the modern sciences of chemistry and pharmacology, prior to the formulation of the scientific method. What is covered in the BS of Pharmacy program? BS of Pharmacy covers subjects that offer a solid foundation in biomedical, clinical, pharmaceutical, biological and social sciences. This is to ensure that students are trained to effective deliver pharmaceutical services in both private and government institutions.